

 Hey. I want to tell you something. There is a mistake in editors. I am not a hating guy. I am very nice to people. I admire everything. Not hate. Have you understood? Okay. It is all. Thanks for your attention. 

by Anonymous Hater 

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle




an amazing historical character.

I suppose that when you were reading it you think: "Hmmm, who is that old man? I don't know him!". Wait! I will explain it to you.

I'm sure that you have noticed that picture in Mistery History.
Yes, yes! It is the famous Sherlock Holmes! But he isn't a real person like Queen Elizabeth II. He was just a fake! The man who invented Sherlock Holmes was Arthur Conan Doyle. His life was very mysterious.

He was born in Edinburgh in 1859. His youth wasn't very happy. His family was poor and his father was addicted to drugs and alcohol.His mother wanted to earn some money as a washerwoman. 
Luckily, he left his home quickly, because the wealthy members of the Doyle family offered to pay for his studies. He studied medicine in Edinburgh. He used to oppose corporal punishment in schools. 
During his studying he discovered his storytelling talent. He was good at cricket. He used to write letters to his mother very often. His teacher became the model of Sherlock Holmes. Arthur Conan Doyle was twenty years old and in his third year of medical studies, when for the first time adventure knocked on his door. He was offered the post of ship's surgeon on the Hope , a whaling boat, about to leave for the Arctic Circle.

 On the Hope Arthur became the real sailor. He wrote a book called "Captain of the Pole-Star." Doyle's first paid job was a medical officer on the steamer Mayumba, a battered old vessel navigating between Liverpool and the west coast of Africa.

 But he didn't like Africa and quickly came back to England. Then he was robbed out of a lot of money by a tricky doctor. After college he became a real doctor. He used to earn a lot of money and he wrote his first Sherlock Holmes book "Study in Scarlet." Supposedly, he was the model of doctor Watson – the Holmes's partner. Arthur Conan Doyle became very poular in the USA. 
He moved to London and got the best job in his life – in a newspaper where he used to write a lot of texts about Sherlock Holmes. One year later he understood that he couldn't combine doctor's and writer's career. He chose the career of a writer. He used to sign the letters to his friends: "Dr. Watson". Unfortunately, he got rid of Sherlock Holmes. He wrote a novel "The Final Problem". Profesor Moriarty - the enemy of Sherlock Holmes plunged to their deaths at The Reichenbach Falls. As a result, twenty thousand readers cancelled their subscriptions to The Strand Magazine. The Reichenbach Falls became a tourist  attraction.

 After his wife's death he became interested in spiritism and  lost his friend – Houdini, who didn't approve of this. When the Boer War started he became a soldier-surgeon. He became the Boer War veteran. It was an inspiration for him. When he came back to England he wrote the famous book called: "The Hound of Baskervilles". A year later, King Edward VII knighted Conan Doyle for services rendered to the Crown during the Boer War. Supposedly, King wanted to encourage Doyle to write a new book about Sherlock Holmes. Be that as it may, His Majesty and several hundred thousand of his subjects must have been very pleased when in 1903 The Strand Magazine started serializing The Return of Sherlock Holmes . 
The writer got married again. His family moved to Windelsham in Sussex. He wrote some dramas and a new famous book "The Lost World" about doctor Challenger's amazing adventures. It was his first sience fiction piece. He wrote the next book about Sherlock Holmes – "The Valley of Fear". As soon as the first World War broke out, Conan Doyle then fifty-five, offered to enlist again.But he wasn't allowed to become a soldier again. He invented some gadgets and armors for the army, but most government officials found him irritating at best. One of the exceptions was Winston Churchill, who wrote to thank him for his ideas. While writing a book, which was to be called "The British Campaign in France and Flanders" , the author was given permission to visit the British and French fronts in 1916. He was afraid of the horror of the war. During the war he lost his son Kingsley, his brother, his two brothers-in-law and his two nephews. He became a famous spiritist to contact with his dead family. As a result, the Press mocked him, the Clergy disapproved of him. He wrote some more books about doctor Challenger.
 In the autumn of 1929, in spite of having been diagnosed with Angina Pectoris, Conan Doyle went off for his last tour to Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. One day he rose from his bed, and unseen went into the garden. When he was found, he was lying on the ground, one hand clutching his heart, the other holding a single white snowdrop. Arthur Conan Doyle died on Monday, July 7, 1930, surrounded by his family. His last words before departing for "the greatest and most glorious adventure of all," were addressed to his wife: "You are wonderful". Then he died.
by Anonymous Hater.

The Five Strangest Animals

The five strangest animals 
  1.  Blopfish - WHAT A FAT FISH!!! BIEBER?!

2. Aye - Aye -  IT IS YODA - LIKE STYLE!!!
3. Atlantic Horsehoe Crab - HORSE!? NO! HOE?! MAYBE...
5. Star - nosed mole - TWINKLE, TWINKLE LITTLE...MOLE?

Do those animals remind you someone? Which one is the strangest? Comment!

Creative weakness


I need Your help. I have no ideas. I promise I will create some posts for our blog. Please comment and give me some ideas. I will choose the best one. I send my regards to You.

PS.: The next post is in progress. :)

By Anonymous Hater.