

Top five strangest houses

Hi !
Have you ever dreamt of a big house, bigger room ? Don’t worry, Bono has something for you !
Today I am going to talk about strange houses. I am going to use the book D.O.M.E.K, written by Aleksandra Machowiak & Daniel Miezieliński.

 Strange houses in Great Britian

1.    Moon house
Do you want to live on the moon with Mister Twardowski ? A better idea is to live in the moon house than on the moon !

Moon house was constructed by Ken Shuttleworth. Its shape is a moon. It was built in 1998. Inside there is a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom. It is made from glass and concrete. You can see it in Wiltshire.

Butterfly house
A beautiful butterfly house ! The task of this house is to remind us of butterflies growing. First, they are eggs then they become caterpillars …
Butterfly house was designed by Laurie Chetwood in 2003. You can see it in a small city called Surrey . It’s made from metal and glass. It looks like a butterfly, really. Inside there is a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom.

Strange houses in USA

In USA we have 3 strange houses, let’s see them !


Aren’t you bored with everything being the same ? In M-house you can change everything any time you want !

M-House is a block house. It is made from wood, concrete and metal so it is half eco. It was built by Michael Jantzen in 2000.  The house consists of block things like : block windows, stairs, windows, so we can say it’s made from blocks. It means you can build it any way you want !

Turbulence house

OOOOO ! This house must be really well-constructed !

In Abiquiu there are really strong winds so the house must endure it.  Steve Holl made people stay in this place. In 2005 he constructed a really useful  house. There is a tank for rainwater and solar panels. The house is full eco, only made from metal. It doesn’t contain any artificial materials. There is a kitchen, a bathroom, and a bedroom there.

 Homeless Vehicle
Homeless people don’t have anything to eat, any money or house. Mister Krzysztof Wodiczko from Poland helped them !
Mister Krzysztof Wodiczko constructed a house/vehicle for homeless people. This house helps them to survive. They can for example collect bottles or cans. There is no bathroom there . You can sit or lie down. It’s made from metal. You can find it in New York ! 

                                                                                                         ~by Bonosocia

1 komentarz:

  1. Wow! I would like to live in the butterfly house! It is great way to cheer up my live! I do not want to stay all my live in gray, sad house... Please! Become architecters and build some houses whose will look like butterfly one! I will be so entranced!
