

In June 1994 in Caernafron village Charles, Prince of Wales (who has very big ears) was celebrating his 25 years "princing". A local shop was selling false big ears which were called "Windsor Wingnuts". Customers could stick them to their ears and look like the Prince of Wales. Later the shop owner started selling masks of the Prince. At last police considered that these gadgets were offensive and awful, but the shop owner didn't give up and he didn't get rid of them. Police wanted to arrest him, but finally they didn't do it and the gadgets weren't banned.


Richard I the Lionheart

Do you remember when I last told you about John the Lackland? Well, today I am going to tell you about his younger brother - Richard I.

Richard I was born on 8th September 1157 and he died on 6th April 1199. He was the King of England from 6th July 1189 until his death. He also ruled as Duke of Normandy, Duke of Aquitaine, Duke of Gascony, Lord of Cyprus, Count of Anjou, Count of Maine, Count of Nantes, and Overlord of Brittany. A lot of knighthoods ^_^. He was known as Richard the Lionheart.

He had a reputation of a great military leader and warrior. By the age of sixteen (!), Richard had taken command of his own army, putting down rebellions in Poitou against his father, King Henry II. Richard was a central Christian commander during the Third Crusade, he scored considerable victories against his Muslim counterpart, Saladin, although he did not reconquer Jerusalem.

Richard had a very "controversial" opinion about England - he was always thinking that this great country was only "a source of income" for his wars. He probably didn't even know English :O !!!

Richard died while laying siege to a French castle. He was killed by an arrow from a crossbow.


Richard was a very brave King, but unfortunately he never loved England :(



John Lackland

John Lackland was the King of England from 6th April 1199 until his death (nearly October 1216). He was the worst English King EVER :O !!!

John was the youngest of five sons of King Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. Despite following the failed rebellion of his elder brothers between 1173 and 1174, John became Henry's favourite child.

John's brother, Richard I became king in 1189. John was a potential heir to the throne. When Richard was participating in the Third Crusade, John unsuccessfully attempted a rebellion against Richard's royal administrators. Still, when Richard died, John became a king.

During John's reign, England lost the duchy of Normandy. The baronial revolt at the end of John's reign led to the sealing of Magna Carta (something like a constitution). But John hardly ever observed Magna Carta, so the barons made another successful revolution during which John died and another king took care of England ;)

Anonymous Guy


Robert Curthose
Do you remember when I last wrote about William the Conqueror? Today I will tell about his son - Robert.

Robert Curthose was the Duke of Normandy (he spent almost all of the money in treasury!) from 1087 until 1106 and an unsuccessful claimant to the throne of England. He was skillful in military exercises, but he was lazy too. He was a participant in the First Crusade.

He was born around 1054 and he died on 3rd February 1134. Robert was the eldest son of William the Conqueror and Matilda of Flanders.  Robert's birthdate is usually given as 1054, but it may have been 1051.

As a child, he was betrothed to Margaret, the heiress of Maine, but she died before they could be wed, and Robert didn't marry until he became 40.

Some day Robert made a revolution against his father, but Matilda of Flanders reconciled them. When William the Conqueror died, Robert and his brother, Henry, were fighting each other, but Robert was defeated and he died in prison. Henry took the throne of England and became the king. Happy End -.-


 Wilhelm the Conqueror

Wilhelm I (William) was born in 1028 and he died in 1087. He had been Duke of Normandy since 1035. After a long struggle to establish his power, by 1060 his hold on Normandy was secure, and he launched the Norman conquest of England in 1066 (look at: The Norman Conquest of England) . The rest of his life was marked by struggles to consolidate his hold over England and his continental lands and by problems with his eldest son.

Wilhelm I is usually known as William the Bastard. William was the son of the unmarried Robert I (Duke of Normandy) and mysterious Herleva. During his childhood (after his father's death), members of the Norman aristocracy battled each other, because they wanted to control the duke son. In 1047 William was able to quash the rebellion and begin to establish his authority over the country.

In 1050 he married Matilda of Flanders. In the 1050s and early 1060s William became a contender for the throne of England, then held by his childless cousin Edward the Confessor. There were other potential claimants, including the powerful English earl Harold Godwinson. William built a large fleet and conquested England in September 1066, decisively defeating and killing Harold during the Battle of Hastings on 14th October 1066. He was crowned king on Christmas Day 1066.

In 1086 William ordered to write a survey listing all the landholders in England. This survey was called the Domesday Book.

William died in September 1087 while leading a campaign in northern France, after he buried Cean. He had a "little" accident with his horse ;).

William the Conqueror was a very cruel king, but he did some good things for England, too.



Strange English Rules 

Today on 3rd May we have the most important Polish national holiday - the anniversary of The 3rd May Constitution enact. Constitution is a very important document for every country. But England doesn't have a constitution! However, they have some rules about ruling, for example Precedent code. They also have  a lot of strange rigths.

Warning! This text is not only about England, but also about other English speaking countries.
  1. If you stick a stamp with the Queen upside down, you will become a traitor.
  2. In Victoria state in Australia, wearing  pink shorts during the Sunday afternoon is considered offensive.
  3. In England, drivers of black taxis have to ask all passegners  if they are suffering from  smallpox or pest.
  4. In Florida, unmarried women must not jump with a parachute.
  5. In Joliet city in Illinois, a woman can be arrested if she tries on more than 6 dresses in one shop.
  6. In Kentucky, no one can have a hidden weapon ( longer than 1,8 m ) during the walk.
  7. In Chester in Great Brittain, everyone can shoot with a bow at a Welsh after midnight.
  8. In State Vermont, women have to have the husband's permission for denture wearing.
  9. In Alabama, you mustn't drive a car with an eyeband.
It is all that I wanted to say. Good bye!

by  Anonymous Hater