

In June 1994 in Caernafron village Charles, Prince of Wales (who has very big ears) was celebrating his 25 years "princing". A local shop was selling false big ears which were called "Windsor Wingnuts". Customers could stick them to their ears and look like the Prince of Wales. Later the shop owner started selling masks of the Prince. At last police considered that these gadgets were offensive and awful, but the shop owner didn't give up and he didn't get rid of them. Police wanted to arrest him, but finally they didn't do it and the gadgets weren't banned.

2 komentarze:

  1. Hahahahaha it must be funny to have one of those masks. It must be hilarious to have this big ears, wear mask and start behaveing like Charles with this strong british accent. I never noticed that Prince of Wales have that big ears every time i visit your blog i learn some use full or funny but useless staff. @@@@@@@@

  2. You said a kind of bullshi* Anonymus up here!
