
Richard I the Lionheart

Do you remember when I last told you about John the Lackland? Well, today I am going to tell you about his younger brother - Richard I.

Richard I was born on 8th September 1157 and he died on 6th April 1199. He was the King of England from 6th July 1189 until his death. He also ruled as Duke of Normandy, Duke of Aquitaine, Duke of Gascony, Lord of Cyprus, Count of Anjou, Count of Maine, Count of Nantes, and Overlord of Brittany. A lot of knighthoods ^_^. He was known as Richard the Lionheart.

He had a reputation of a great military leader and warrior. By the age of sixteen (!), Richard had taken command of his own army, putting down rebellions in Poitou against his father, King Henry II. Richard was a central Christian commander during the Third Crusade, he scored considerable victories against his Muslim counterpart, Saladin, although he did not reconquer Jerusalem.

Richard had a very "controversial" opinion about England - he was always thinking that this great country was only "a source of income" for his wars. He probably didn't even know English :O !!!

Richard died while laying siege to a French castle. He was killed by an arrow from a crossbow.


Richard was a very brave King, but unfortunately he never loved England :(


1 komentarz:

  1. That is very interesting i knew about King Richard some things from English lessons. But fact that he won against his father by the age of sixteen that is impresive. I thing that scene of him being killed was in newest robin hood and I think that Russel Crowe played in that movie. It is funny that he proably never know english. @@@@@@@
