

 guys !

Do you want to see something incredible ?
Bonia recommends Pan’s Labyrinth! It’s a Mexican film but the action takes place in Spain. The main character is Ofelia, she is 12 and she is fascinated with fairy tales. At the beginning she emigrates to the countryside because of the war. There she gets really lonely. Near her cottage there is a labyrinth… PAN’S LABYRINTH !!!
We can also learn something about the history of Spain. This film is a bit scary, but it got 3 Oscar awards.
Come on, just watch it, man !
Scary, scary my friend !

~by Bonosocia 


Hi :)
 I want to recommend you a book which is written by Alison Croggon. The title of this book is "The Gift" . This is the first book of  "Pellinor" trilogy and I liked this book very much. It is suprising and interesting... "The Gift" is about a sixteen-year-old girl whose name is Maerad and she is a slave. One day she discovers that she has magical powers. Maerad with her lord - Cadvan begins an interesting journey. Together they will set off in the world full of adventures , scary secrets and far past.
It's a must for those who love fantasy.


~by Glimmer

Mystery History

Photo from here.

Hey guys! Do you want to know more about history! It's not a problem
when you have such a brilliant page like...

Yes, yes we know of course that you need the immediate help.
Guess what? We have created this page for you.
We're trying to change the world for the teenagers who don't know much about history.

We will try to unravel the mysterious knots of history!
It's all for you!
We guess that it's all we had to say for now!





Bog Snorkeling  is a very strange British tradition. The first Championship took place in 1985 and today it is an annual event in England and Wales.
You must swim in a deep long trench filled with dirty water using flippers and snorkels. The competitors are as happy as children. The funny thing is that  „dirty and wet” competition is so popular among people who live in „foggy” climate every day.
In my opinion, this a little crazy but very funny event especially for people with a great sense of humor.

                                                                                                                            by Karolex

Mini Rugby

  Mini Rugby
Are you a big fan of rugby??? This is something for you!
It’s a cool sport for those children who like rugby but they are afraid of being injured.
Mini rugby also known as New Image Rugby is a form of rugby union designed to introduce the sport to children. You use a smaller ball and a pitch than in standard rugby, and there are nine players on each side.
Mini rugby was invented  in England in 1970. The rules in mini rugby are less strict than in normal one ;)
I think this kind of sport is nice :D
Foto from here.
~by Szpulka


Traditional British Dishes - part 2

Traditional British Dishes 

Do you want to know something more about traditional British dishes?
Some of them are really strange and unusual... or have a funny name...

Yorkshire Pudding
 It's a meal made just from flour, eggs and milk. The sort of batter is baked in the oven and I think it's quite normal. After taking it from the oven it looks great! Like a breadroll with a big hole. British like eating Yorkshire pudding with gravy. They often eat it at Christmas Eve. That's strange but there's also something like „Yorkshire pudding day”!


Toad-in-the-hole it's not a very special dish. It's made from the same ingredients as Yorkshare pudding but with the sausages. The name of that dish doesn't encourage you to eat it, it's a little bit horrible and disgusting...

Bangers and Mash

Bang! Bang! Bangers and Mash is quite a normal dish but I like the name of it. It's just mashed potatoes and sausages. The interesting fact about it is why the sausages are called bangers. Do you know why? The reason why they have such a strange nickname is that during wartime they were filled with water. They often exploded with this special ”bang” when they were fried.

Do you want to make some British dish by yourself ? Maybe you can try making Yorkshire pudding? So...


4 large, fresh eggs, measured in a jug

Equal quantity of milk to eggs

Equal quantity of all purpose/plain flour to eggs

Pinch of salt

2 tablespoons lard, beef dripping or vegetable oil

Mix eggs and seasonings in a bowl. Pour milk gradually into it and mix.When it's totaly mixed put it to the oven and bake in 220 degrees. After 20 minutes it would be ready!

I hope you'll like it ;). Thanks for reading :).

~by Solcia


Buckingham Palace :3

Buckingham Palace is in London and it's an official residence of the British monarch. It's the biggest royal palace in  the world, and the official London residence of Queen Elizabeth II. In front of the castle there is a monument of Queen Victoria. 

Foto from here.

Queen's Guards are men who stand in front of the Buckingham Palace (and other locations in London).   Four Foot Guards stand in front of the palace when the Queen is in, and when she is away there are only two of them. Their caps are made of real bearskin from Canadian brown bears (poor bears :c). They also wear scarlet tunics with dark blue collars, shoulder strips pipped in white, and cuffs of dark blue and white. The dark blue trousers have a red stripe down the seam of each leg. And a white leather buff belt. 
Foto from here.

Thanks for reading :3

~by Edmund 


Cheese Rolling :)

I don't know why, but English people of different age take part in pursuit of cheese . Players stand in their positions and wait for the start. The judge releases a cheese and the players chase it down the hill.
I don't understand what's so funny about it especially for the cheese! Because the hill is steep the players begin to roll down. Such enterainment often causes injuries , so the organizers provide medical assistance and try to prepare  the hill. It's so stupid!  I don't know what I would do, if I broke something and went to  hospital. Someone would ask me "How did it happen?" and I would have to say: I was chasing the cheese  :) The whole thing consists of several races. There are the winners in all of them. The first prize is ... cheese, the second is 10 pounds and the third 5 pounds. This is so unfair! They are dirty and in pain and all they get is cheese and some money.The winners can take part in next races.

Foto from here.

That's one of the weirdest English traditions, don't you think?

~by Glimmer


Are you a sports fan?

   We recommend cricket to you! It’s a very nice sport. It comes from England. What about a cricket field? It is oval like an egg ! Inside it there’s a pitch. In cricket there are 11 competitors, so it might be difficult to count them on fingers ! Coming back to the rules, there’s one bowler, one wicket-keeper, one batsman (a man who returns the ball) and other people are fielders. I think it must be a good sport. What is better than running an kicking the ball with a bat ?

Doesn't he look happy ? :)

~by Bonosocia


British Food :3

Here's what I found out about 4 most interesting British dishes. Some of them are really disgusting, but some are just traditional and that's why I chose them.

English breakfast
English breakfast is a traditional dish which British people eat for breakfast. It contains: fried or scrambled eggs, bacon, black or white pudding, tomatoes, mushrooms and baked beans in tomato sauce.  Such meal is really fatty and has a lot of calories, that’s why people started to make vegetarian versions of the dish. For me, there are too many different flavours in one dish and I hate beans so it's not really for me.
Foto from here.
Black pudding
It is also a dish usually eaten in the morning. It looks like a big, black sausage. It is made from pig’s blood, meat, offal and fat. The recipe is different in every region. In USA it is also called blood sausage. It sounds similar to Polish "kaszanka" , but now I know how it's made and I think it's really awful .
Foto from here.

Cumberland sausage
Cumberland sausage is a sausage that originated in ancient Cumberland, England. These are very long and curled. They can be even 50cm long! Sometimes they are made shorter, like ordinary British ones.  The meat is usually pork with herbs and spices. Sausage again, so it looks like the British love meat and blood!.
Foto from here.
It is a stomach of an animal stuffed with sheep's heart, liver and lungs mixed with onion, oatmeal, spices, and salt. Most of modern haggis is prepared in sausage casing rather than stomach. Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish. It is traditionally served with "neeps and tatties" (Scots: turnip and potato) and with dram (a glass of Scotch whisky). Ughh...  stomach, it sounds so disgusting that I wouldn't try it.
Foto from here.
How to make black pudding?

·         1 quart pig's blood
·         12 ounces bread crumbs
·         Salt and pepper, to taste
·         1 quart milk
·         1 cup cooked barley
·         1 cup dry rolled oats
·         1 ounce ground mint

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl; pour into a large kettle or Dutch oven and bring to a boil. Pour into a wide shallow bowl and season again if necessary. Chill thoroughly, until firm. When cold it may be cut into slices and fried.

I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading.

~ by Rue  :)