
Michael Caine

He is an actor, whose real name was Mauarice Micklewhite. He has born in 14 March 1933. He perform in films such as Mona Lisa in 1986, Little Voice in 1998 and the Quiet American in 2002. He perform in over one hundred films. One of the two actors who have been nominated for an Oscar. I chose him because he is one of the best British Actor.

Michael Caine (2008) 

by Karolex


facts about Poland

Hello !
TOday I am going to tell u something about Poland. Come on !

1. 17 Poles were awarded the Nobel Prize.

2. As many as 90% of people completed at least high school.

3. Maria Sklodowska Curie was the only person was awarded a Nobel Prize in two different sciences.

4. Copernicus first discovered that the earth is not the center of the universe.

5. Johannes Hevelius published the first detailed maps of the moon.

6.Woodstock festival is the biggest open festiwal in Europe.

7. In Poland there are many farms in Europe.

8.At a young age, and are marrying.

9. Polish national symbol is the eagle.

10. The name "Poland" is derived from the name of the tribe "Glade".

11. Best strongmen's in the world are Poles.

13. The traditional dish is bigos.

14. Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus was the first person he offered? Land, in fact, is not the center of the universe.

15. The most prominent was a Pole, Pope John Paul II.

16. In the village Friday, 33 km from Lodz is the exact center of Polish.

17. The oldest tree in Poland and probably in Europe is cis Henrykowo Lubanski
having about 1500 years.

18. The village Tychowo is Poland's largest stone weighing about 200 tons and with 44 meters in diameter.

19. Holy Cross Mountains are the oldest mountains in Europe.20th Deserts

20. Desert 'Błędowska' is only natural desert in Europe.

By Bono ;>

Book Inkheart

Meggie, a twelve-year old book lover has spent her childhood with her father Mo, an expert earning his living traveling the countryside repairing and caring for books. A hidden past of trouble shows up outside of their windows one night in the form of a man named Dustfinger, a man who we are to soon find out, is not of this world. You see Mo has a hidden talent where, if he reads a story aloud, he can actually bring characters to life out of the book, Dustfinger being one of them, stolen unhappily from the world he had always known.
Not only does this create problems for the displaced Dustfinger, a kindly fire-eater/juggler who misses the fairies and trolls he had once befriended, but in place of stealing one character from the book, something from Mo’s world is sucked in…his loving wife. To make things even worse, not only was Dustfinger brought to life, but also the villainous Capricorn, a man so evil his heart was said to be made of ink. (Get it ink heart—Inkheart. Just making sure you are still with me.) Capricorn becomes obsessed with Mo’s power and chases him down to use it for evil not good ...

By Bono :>


Disneyland devides on lands, today I am going to tell you about them :>

Main Street - Main Avenue 
Street is the main avenue of the park, which will take you to each of the four provinces. Styled on an American street 20s The Main Street are among others town hall, shops, restaurants, race tracks and the main train station shuttles around  the park.
Frontierland - Land of the Wild West

We can find banks, shops, cowboys, villains and everything related to the gold rush and the atmosphere of the Wild West - but not only. The major attractions are also home to ghosts, artificial lake with real steam ship straight from the era of Tom Sawyer, the town of Pocahontas, and breathtaking mountain railway mining.

Adventureland - Land of Adventure

The Land of Adventure includes: a mini-city with Tales of One Thousand and One Nights story of Aladdin inspired, shops and restaurants associated with the Disney film "The Lion King", Asian jungle of Indiana Jones roller coaster and finally the biggest part in a climate of "Pirates of the Caribbean".


Designed primarily for children. Land of fairy tales and fantasy. The main building is here towering over the entire park, Sleeping Beauty's castle. Other parts devoted to the Snow Queen,  Alice in Wonderland, and other characters and fairy tales for children.

Discoveryland - Land of Discoveries

Referred to as the land of the future. It offers the following attractions: Spaceship, Space roller coaster "Space Mountain: Mission 2" Carousel interplanetary, Track Car 'Autopia' trip into space simulator "Star Tours", "Captain EO" - 4D movie with Michael Jackson.

                                                                                               By Bono :>


The anwsers to the questions you can find in last posts ! Good luck !

1. What kinds of ilness do the mosquitos spread ?

2. When was William Shakespeare popular ?

3. How many cm got the tallest man in the world ?

4. Was GEORGE WASHINGTON the second President of USA ? yes/no

5. What was the name of the oldest women in the world ?

6. Where in Italy is Mirabilandia Fun Park ?

Anwsers please write on saspang1@gmail.com

Hello everyone! J

Recently I read a very interesting book. It’s called „Blue Bloods”. This is a series about vampires in Manhattan. Schyler Van Allen goes to an elite school „Duschesne”. She  thought she is like any normal teenager. But when the veins on her forearms are starting to swell and there is a terrible hunger that can not supply human food, is no longer sure if she is normal… She entering a whole new world full of vampires… World vampires governed by own right, and one who does not keep them - are killed.


Hi! J

I have book for science-fiction fans. It’s called „Tomorrow, When the War Began”. This is the first of a seven-volume series. It teels about a group of teenagers, who choose to bivouac to the „Hell”. When they come back all the animals are dead. Their families and everyone else have disappeared. They went back to hell… World that they knew have dissapiered … That there are no rules. And tomorrow they have to create your own…



!New Chuck Tylor Sneakers! ... - IT WAS A JOKE
As you can see this is a kind of sneakers, a kind in fact ;> It may be difficult to put them on, but if you were them - trousers are unneccesery.

eeeee... these are horibble, aren't them ? 

These are they nicest ! It is a kin of old style but awesome ! You can see a meadow on your shoes ! Horses, trees, ohhh , I smeel the nature !

Actually these shoes aren't made of real animals - rates as they look. They are rather horrible for me , and for you ? 

These shoes are the strangest ! Do you need weels to move, now you need. I think my granny would like to have these.

Vote for the worst ! 

By Bono ;>

Indian and African elephant - differences

African elephant is larger than the Indian elephant. It has larger ears, which are used in his swing and deterring enemies. Indian elephant runs lifestyle which makes it smaller, and his ears are small, so as not to hinder the branches and bushes.

 Sawanna - the natural enviroment of African elephants
By Bono ;>


Pygmies live in huts made ​​of four rods of wood covered with banana leaves. All cottages have the same equipment: three stones, a pot and a spoon to mix.  Pygmies are divided into three groups:
• Mbuti (in the east)
• Twa Bing (Central African Republic)
• Baka Pygmies (Gabon and Cameroon).

Hunting is the most important job Pygmies, not only from the need to obtain food, but also because of the symbolic and traditional craftsman importance of this activity. The best hunters are highly respected in society, especially when they are good at hunting of large animals such as elephants.

Women are, for example, weaving baskets. Their product using plant fibers. Kneading is also musical instruments, weapons, cooking utensils and clothes collection and bark.

                                                                                                      By Bono ;>


Second, in terms of number visitors, park in Italy, located on the Adriatic coast, in small city Ravenna, very close to the popular city Rimini.  In the park you will find seven thematic areas, about 40 attractions as well as restaurants and bars.
Next to the park is nestled Mirabilandia Beach - a Caribbean aqua park where visitors are available pools, water slides and beaches.

                                                                                 By Bono ;>


Honorificabilitudinitatibus as the word of the week ! ! ! 

This word has 27 letters which appears in Love’s Labour’s Lost, Act V, Scene I, which means “invincible glorious” or “Honorableness.” This word was spoken by Costard in Shakespeare’s plays:

O, they have lived long on the alms-basket of words.
I marvel thy master hath not eaten thee for a word;
for thou art not so long by the head as
honorificabilitudinitatibus: thou art easier
swallowed than a flap-dragon.

                                                                                                            By Bono ;>

Top 3 most dangerous animals in the world

Hi !
In this post I'm going to tell you about Top 5 most dangerous animals in the world !

In my opinion the 3th place should be taken by Lion.

Lion-The powerful fangs, sharp claws and extremely fast. Lion run from 150 to 250 kg made ​​up them  perfect hunter. As a cat, lion likes to sleep a lot ,basking in the sun or in the grass. But when he moved into attack , you had better stay as far as possible. Tourists very often play a sort of gamest like "Who will come closer" or "Who will touch his mane"  it sometimes ends tragedy ... Somethimes there are also attacks on people, but still it is still a rare thing.

2nd place

Great white shark-They sense even a few molecules of blood in a million molecules of water, so if they are hungry, even small wound may provoke them to attack. In practice, they rarely attack humans, and if divers   behave calmly, do not run away and not provoke these big fish they can swim freely in the company of sharks, for many hours.

And the 1st place !

mosquito !

This little animal might not seems to be dangerous, but in fact they are !
They spread malaria, yellow fever, filariasis, dengue fever, Rift Valley fever, viral encephalitis ... have occured all over the world and are responsible for the deaths of more than two million people per year. This are the "best" result among all the animals, so just before the little bloodsuckers should feel the greatest respect.

By  Szpulka 


The turn of the screw

I have recently read a very interesting book, it's called "The Turn of the Screw" ( the Polish translation is " W kleszczach lęku"). It's about a young governess from Hapmshire who takes care of two orphaned children, Miles and Flora. The two siblings seem to be wonderful. They are always kind, polite and never do anything wrong... Well, but they only seem to be so perfect.
The governess soon finds out that the children still maintain the bounds of friendship with their former governess and servant, who are dead. She is really scared because she can see the
phantoms while the kids can only hear them. It's written by Henry James.
I think that the book is really addictive. I really enjoyed reading it.
I hope ( of course if you're interested in reading it ) that you'll like it just as much as I do.
~ by adzioch

William Shakespeare

He was born in 1564 and died in 1616.He wrote mainly tragedies, about 40 plays, 154 sonnets and other works of other kinds. Despite being popular during his life, his popularity grew especially after his death. I chose him because he was a famous writer.


by Karolex 

Joanne Kathleen Rowling - 
the author of the Harry Potter series, was born in Yate in the UK. She has won many prestigious awards.
She has published seven volumes of the Harry Potter series
writes fantasy books. I chose her because she wrote Harry Potter.
J. K. Rowling (2010) 
by Karolex
Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton was born on 4th January 1643 and died on 31th March 1727. Mainly, he was an English physicist. Newton was born in Woolsthorpe. Newton's father, also named Isaac, died three months before his son was born. In his best work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687) he described universal gravitation and the laws of motion of the underlying classical mechanics. I chose him because he was the most famous physicist of England.

 Sir Isaac Newton
 by Karolex


The tallest man in the world

Robert Pershing Wadlow was the tallest man ever known. He was born on February 22nd, 1918 in Alton, Illinois, USA.  He died  on July 15th, 1940, Manistee, Michigan, USA.
His parents were Addie and Harold Wadlowowie. At birth he weighed less than four kilograms. In fifth year of life he was155 cm tall, and in the third grade of primary school surpassed the teacher. When he was 13 years old, he already measured 224 cm. At the age of 18 years has reached 254 cm. At the age of 22, before his death, he reached the height of 272 cm and the weight of 222 kg.

Robert Wadlow.jpg

By Szpulka 


George Washington was born on 22th February, 1732 (or on 11th February, 1731) and he died on 14th December, 1799. He was the first President (1789–1797) of the United States of America. He was also the commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He was a mason too (masons are very nice people, who follow many interesting rituals etc. ;)

Some day he and his friends colonels decided to start a big revolution (jupii!!!) against ... England :(. Why? Because England was very cruel for American colonies (big taxes etc.). Many people died during the American Revolution, but Washington won.

He built a great and a strong nation - America.



The oldest woman in the world

114-year-old Japanese woman was officially recognized as the oldest woman in the world. Misao Okawa received a special certificate from the Guinness Book of Records.It can be regarded as a birthday present, because next week mrs.Okawa will celebrate the 115th birhtday . According to the Gerontology Research Center, which verifies information for Guinness Book of Records, venerable Japanese woman was born in 5 March 1898. Mrs Okawa was married in 1919 and stayed for three children, four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Her 90-year-old son, Hiroshi, says that  he probably inherited some genes from the mother, he does not believe that he'll set the record for longevity.

Misao Okawa

By Szpulka

5 Weirdest-Looking Animals

5.The axolotl -is a neotenic salamander closely related to the tiger salamander.

4.The Philippine tarsier-The Philippine Tarsier is one of the smallest primates on earth.

3.The Angora rabbit -The Angora is one of the oldest types of domestic rabbits.

2.Kiwa hirsuta -is a crustacean discovered in 2005 in the South Pacific Ocean.

1.The leafy seadragon -is a marine fish in the family Syngnathidae, which also includes the seahorses.

By Szpulka 



Hey, hi, hello!
I’ve found ANOTHER interesting book :). This time it’s called Stoneheart. It’s about a 12-year-old boy called George. After he gets into trouble in the museum during a school trip, he gets into trouble on the street. (yeap, on the street). He breaks a sculpture of Pterodactyl.  And this strange creature starts to hunt for him. Only he can see it. Another statue saves him from getting killed, and this time it’s Gunner, a sculpture of  World War I. However, things get more difficult than George can imagine.

Stoneheart.jpg  - by Lagoonka

Shatter Me

I’ve read an interesting book during the long weekend. It’s called “Shatter Me”. The main character is called Juliette. She is a teen who has been incarcerated for a murder caused by her fatal touch. When she touches somebody she takes her/his life energy and inflicts killing pain. One day they give her a cellmate called Adam Kent. She finds out that he is her old friend from school. And he is the only one who can touch her safely… That’s where all the trouble starts…

  -by Lagoonka

The Door to Time

I’ve read a book called „The Door to Time”. It’s about 3 friends who live in a little town  (you can’t find it on the map). They live in an old house. One day they get a strange letter with 4 keys in it. Behind the closet there is a hidden door with 4 key holes… Julie, Jason and Rick slowly discover the secrets of Villa Argo.  I think it's a very interesting book.

-by Lagoonka