

Eleven english idioms of the week

 idiom- a phrase where the words together mean different things than the individual words

1.Keep sth under one's hat- keep a secret


2. Cry for the moon- want sth that is not possible to have

3.Catch sb red-handed- see, catch sb doing sth bad, wrong

4.Let something slip- say sth that was a secret and should not be said

5.Learn sth by heart- learn sth by memorising it

6.Change a fly into an elephant- do sth nice from anything

7.At the drop of a hat- immediately


8.Between the devil and the deep blue sea- between two bad things, have two bad options but have to choose one.

 Deep Ocean Wallpapers

9.Bring sb to book- punish sb

10.Have a lot on one's plate- have a lot of problems

11.Scare the life out of someone- scare sb a lot


                                                                                                                                                                 ~ by Solcia 

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