
Top 3 most dangerous animals in the world

Hi !
In this post I'm going to tell you about Top 5 most dangerous animals in the world !

In my opinion the 3th place should be taken by Lion.

Lion-The powerful fangs, sharp claws and extremely fast. Lion run from 150 to 250 kg made ​​up them  perfect hunter. As a cat, lion likes to sleep a lot ,basking in the sun or in the grass. But when he moved into attack , you had better stay as far as possible. Tourists very often play a sort of gamest like "Who will come closer" or "Who will touch his mane"  it sometimes ends tragedy ... Somethimes there are also attacks on people, but still it is still a rare thing.

2nd place

Great white shark-They sense even a few molecules of blood in a million molecules of water, so if they are hungry, even small wound may provoke them to attack. In practice, they rarely attack humans, and if divers   behave calmly, do not run away and not provoke these big fish they can swim freely in the company of sharks, for many hours.

And the 1st place !

mosquito !

This little animal might not seems to be dangerous, but in fact they are !
They spread malaria, yellow fever, filariasis, dengue fever, Rift Valley fever, viral encephalitis ... have occured all over the world and are responsible for the deaths of more than two million people per year. This are the "best" result among all the animals, so just before the little bloodsuckers should feel the greatest respect.

By  Szpulka 

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